Image Manipulation Using Adobe Photoshop

Image manipulation involves the transformation or alteration of an image using different types of methods and techniques to acquire the desired outcome. It is mostly utilized to create magazine covers, album covers, posters, and many more.

A modified photo will get a tremendous impact and is typically deemed influential. The picture is designed to appear more powerful than it truly is. Thus, it will catch the audience’s attention and be pleasant to their eyes. This is useful in commercial advertising on items or movies to persuade consumers and viewers into purchasing their stuff or services.

Currently, there are a variety of software applications available for image manipulation, ranging from professional to basic imaging software. A single image or numerous photographs might be merged to produce a collage to meet the requirements. Photoshop is one of the most famous application for image manipulation.

What is Photoshop?

Adobe Photoshop is a popular piece of software for raster image manipulation, graphic design, and digital art. It employs layering to provide depth and versatility to the design and editing process, as well as strong editing tools that, when used together, can do almost anything.

Parts of Adobe Photoshop

Image Manipulation Sample


Steps On How To Do It

1,) Open the image that you want to be part of your poster

2.) Adjust the Image

3.) Unlock the image by double clicking the lock button located beside the layer so that it can move freely. Drag the image to the poster.

4.) Change the property of the image into overlay and reposition it.

5.) Erase the unwanted areas

6.) There are actually a lot of ways to change the image on the mirror. But I chose this step. Highlight the image using the Quick Selection Tool and click layer via copy.

7.) Open the image that you want

8.) Unlock it and drag it to the poster

9.) Press Ctrl+Alt+G and adjust the image. And done.

Sample Output:

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